Super Resin’s Quality Control System
Our Quality Control Department plays a central role in company-wide efforts to maintain and improve quality as a means of providing superior products and services in terms of quality and function that earn the trust and satisfaction of our customers. We make continuous efforts in aims of achieving quality control with a higher level of reliability. Specifically:
- We have established a quality management system that complies with ISO 9001 and JIS Q 9100, and maintain a level of quality that can meet the strict reliability requirements of the aerospace industry.
- Based on our production control database, we prioritize preventative quality improvement activities through the introduction of DX and work to prevent defects to the maximum extent possible.
- We conduct physical property tests, strength tests, electromagnetic wave characteristics evaluations, and environmental resistance evaluations in pursuit of further performance improvements and quality assurance.
Quality Control Standards
Certification:JIS Q 9100:2016 / JIS Q 9001:2015(ISO 9001:2015)
Registration scope:Design, development, and manufacture of composite products for aircraft and space equipment, including the defense sector when requested by customers -
Certification:ISO 9001:2015 / JIS Q 9100:2016
Registration scope:Design of the following composite products; development and installation; jigs and tools for aerospace products, as well as testing and training for these, and components for support equipment; general industrial machinery and equipment parts; medical device parts; communication device parts; various vehicle and ship parts